October 2024
Nairobi, KE
Budget Summary Feature
Budget Summary 2015/16
An abriged version of Kenya’s budget reading. This downloadable summary is for time constrained individuals who would like to get an overview before diving into the complete and comprehensive reading.
Graphic Design
Data Analysis
Data Visualization
2 Product Designer
Attention grabbing title and graphic.

Cover Page.: Attention grabbing title and graphic.

To achieve our goal of creating a summarized report, we will condense the main points of the comprehensive budget reading into sections based on the presentational structure of the minister, ensuring it contains the essential information that would be found in the comprehensive budget reading.

My core contributions as a Product Designer were:

  • Illustrations
  • Page flows
  • Page composition
4 simplified steps to production.

Design process flow: 4 simplified steps to production.


This project highlighted the importance of concise communication in delivering key information to time-constrained users.

  • Downloadable document never included a link to the comprehensive reading 😅
  • The budget reading is an annual activity, future versions would benefit from digitization.
  • Future versions would benefit on improvements such as more concise sections or splitting them up to be more focused.
I’m Ammon Victor: Specialist in enhancing collaboration between design and engineering teams. I bridge the gap between user needs, business objectives, and technological capabilities, to create cohesive, user-centered products that drive success.
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